Intensive Summer Course in Clinical Phenomenology

In recent years there has been a growing interest in phenomenology from the mental health sciences, especially from psychology and psychiatry. The legacy of its classic texts (Jaspers, Binswanger, Minkowski, Tellenbach, Blankenburg), combined with more recent intersections with other fields of knowledge (such as cognitive sciences and enactivism) has produced a rich literature on how to apply phenomenology in clinical practice. It is exactly the question of how to deploy the phenomenological method in an interdisciplinary field that this course aims to explore.

The overarching aim of this course is to offer a comprehensive introduction to the history, theory and practice of phenomenology in clinical contexts. Starting with historical and philosophical foundations, the course aims to show how the use of some categories of the phenomenological tradition (ie., self, subjectivity, embodiment, corporeality, temporality, spatiality, etc.) may enrich the understanding of psychopathological experiences and shape person-centred practices of care. In this intensive course participants will not deal only with diagnostic nomenclatures, rather they will be guided toward the articulation of phenomenologically researchable questions which shed light on the alteration and disturbances which occur in the intersubjective domain.

The course is specifically designed for mental health professionals who are not familiar with the phenomenological tradition and its developments, but it is also open to philosophers and to those who work in the interdisciplinary field of philosophy and mental health.

In order to participate in the course, to receive the registration form and information about the payment, participants are invited to send an email to 

Registration fees include online lectures, teaching materials, reading and discussion groups. Recordings of the course will be available but not disseminated publicly on our YouTube channel.

The course will take place three times a week during the month of July.
Total of hours: 36
Cost. 366 euros VAT included. 

Giorgio de Chirico, Melancolie, Oil on canvas, 1914


July 4, 2024
Topic: Phenomenology for beginners: key concepts and figures (I part)
From 5 to 7 pm CET: frontal teaching
From 7 to 8 pm CET: discussion

July 5, 2024
Topic: Phenomenology for beginners: key concepts and figures (II part)
From 5 to 7 pm CET: frontal teaching
From 7 to 8 pm CET: discussion

July 6, 2024
Topic: Phenomenology for beginners: key concepts and figures (II part)
From 5 to 7 pm CET: frontal teaching
From 7 to 8 pm CET: discussion

July 11, 2024
Topic: Variety of depressive experiences
From 5 to 7 pm CET: frontal teaching
From 7 to 8 pm CET: discussion

July 12, 2024
Topic: Disturbances of temporality in the experiences of depression
From 5 to 7 pm CET: frontal teaching
From 7 to 8 pm CET: discussion

July 13, 2024
Topic: Alterations of corporeality in the experiences of depression
From 5 to 7 pm CET: frontal teaching
From 7 to 8 pm CET: discussion

July 16, 2024
Topic: Models of schizophrenia
From 5 to 7 pm CET: frontal teaching
From 7 to 8 pm CET: discussion

July 17, 2024
Topic: Fragmentation of corporeality in schizophrenic experiences
From 5 to 7 pm CET: frontal teaching
From 7 to 8 pm CET: discussion

July 20, 2024
Topic: Hallucinations and delusions in schizophrenia and the quest of meaning
From 5 to 7 pm CET: frontal teaching
From 7 to 8 pm CET: discussion

July 25, 2024
Topic: From diagnosis to encounter: the role of the other
From 5 to 7 pm CET: frontal teaching
From 7 to 8 pm CET: discussion

July 26, 2024
Topic: From recognition to empathy 
From 5 to 7 pm CET: frontal teaching
From 7 to 8 pm CET: discussion

July 27, 2024
Topic: Relationality and the issue of care
From 5 to 7 pm CET: frontal teaching
From 7 to 8 pm CET: discussion

Prof. Dr. Francesca Brencio, Director of the PhenoLab

Essential Bibliography
Participants are not expected to read all the materials here listed. These references aim to serve as a compass in the broad literature on the use of phenomenology in mental health.
A more detailed bibliography will be provided at the beginning of the course

ANDREASEN, N. C. (2007). DSM and the death of phenomenology in America: An example of unintended consequences. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 33(1), 108–112. 
BINSWANGER, L. (1960). Melancholie und Manie, Neske Verlag, Pfullingen.
BLANKENBURG, W. (2012). Der Verlust der natürlichen Selbstverständlichkeit. Ein Beitrag zur Psychopathologie symptomarmer Schizophrenien (1971), Parodos Verlag, Berlin.
F. BRENCIO, V. BIZZARI (2022) Melancholic depression. A hermeneutic phenomenological account, in “Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia”, 13, 2, pp. 94-107, ISSN 2039-4667, E-ISSN 2239-2629, DOI: 10.4453/rifp.2022.0010
F. BRENCIO (2024), (ed.) Phenomenology, Neuroscience and Clinical Practice. Transdisciplinary Experiences, Springer Nature .
M. ENGLANDER (Ed.), (2018), Phenomenology and the social context of psychiatry social relations, psychopathology, and Husserl’s philosophy. Indiana.
ENGLANDER, M., & FERRARELLO, S. (Eds.) (2023). Empathy and ethics. Rowman & Littlefield.
FANON, F. (1952). Black skin white masks. New Grove Press.
FUCHS, T. (2005). Corporealized and disembodied minds: A phenomenological view of the body in melancholia and schizophrenia. In: «Philosophy, Psychiatry & Psychology», vol. XII, n. 2, pp. 95-107.
FUCHS, T. (2013) Temporality and psychopathology. In: «Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences», vol. XII, n. 1, pp. 75-104.
FUCHS, T. (2018). Ecology of the brain. Oxford University Press.
GADAMER, H. G. (2018). The enigma of health: The art of healing in a scientific age (Kindle Edition). Wiley.
GALLAGHER, S., & ZAHAVI, D. (2012). The phenomenological mind. Routledge.
HEIDEGGER, M. (1962). Being and time. Blackwell Publishers.
HEIDEGGER, M. (1995). Fundamental concepts of metaphysics: World, finitude, solitude. Indiana University Press.
HEIDEGGER, M. (2001). Zollikon seminars. Northwestern University Press.
HUSSERL, E. (1964). Cartesian meditations: An introduction to phenomenology (D. Cairns, Trans.). Kluwer Academic Publishers.
HUSSERL, E. (1970). The crisis of European sciences and transcendental phenomenology (D. Carr, Trans.). Northwestern University Press.
HUSSERL, E. (1973). Zur Phänomenologie der Intersubjektivität. Texte aus dem Nachlass. Erster teil. 1905–1920 (I. Kern, Ed.). Martinus Nijhoff.
HUSSERL, E. (1989). Ideas pertaining to a pure phenomenology and to a phenomenological philosophy. Second book (Studies in the phenomenology of constitution). Kluwer Academic Publishers.
JASPERS, K. (1913), Allgemeine Psychopathologie. Translated as General Psychopathology (J. Hoenig & M. Hamilton Trans.). The University of Chicago Press, 1963
JASPERS, K. (1919). Psychologie der Weltanschauungen, Springer.
JASPERS, K. (1968). The phenomenological approach in psychopathology. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 114(516), 1313–1323.
MERLEAU-PONTY, M. (2002). Phenomenology of perception. Routledge.
MINKOWSKI, E. (1970). Lived time. Phenomenological and psychopathological studies, translated by N. METZEL, Northwestern University Press, Evanston.
MORAN, D. (2000). Introduction to phenomenology. Routledge.
RATCLIFFE, M. (2015). Experiences of depression: A study in phenomenology, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
SASS, L. (1992). Heidegger, schizophrenia and the ontological difference. Philosophical Psychology, 5(2), 109–132.
SASS, L., PIENKOS, E. (2013). Space, time and atmosphere. A comparative phenomenology of melancholia, mania and schizophrenia. In: «Journal of Consciousness Studies», vol. XX, n. 7-8, pp. 131-152
SPIEGELBERG, H. (1994). The phenomenological movement. Springer.
STANGHELLINI, G, RABALLO, A., BROOME, M., FERNANDEZ A. V., FUSAR-POLI, P., ROSFORT, R. (Eds.), (2019) The Oxford handbook of phenomenological psychopathology. Oxford University Press
STEIN, E. (1989). On the problem of empathy (I. C. S. Publications, Trans.). Stein.
TELLENBACH, H. (1980). Melancholy: History of the problem, endogeneity, typology, pathogenesis, clinical considerations, translated by E. ENG, Duquesne University Press, Pittsburgh.

Lectures and discussions will be held in English.
For any query or information, please contact


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